Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dinosaur heads

Crests,frills,horns, and spikes adored the heads many dinosaurs. These decorations helped dinosaurs indentify one another and were sometimes used for signaling. In a competition for territory, or control of herd, the dinosaur with the most spectacular head might well have been the winner.Horned herbivores may have been used their weapon for defense against hungry carnivores.
Bird like beak:

 Gallimimus ate plants, insects, and lizards with its long, toothless beak. Its large-eyed skull looks very much like that of a big bird.

Head crest:

Oviraptor may have used their head crest to signal to one another. Although toothless, their beaked jaws may have been powerful enough to crush shellfish .

Centrosaurus head
Horns and frills :
The  ceratopsian group of dinosaurs had heads with a variety of frills and horns. These plant eaters probably used decorations to frighten off attackers or to attract a mate.

Strong Skull:
The  massive head of Albertosaurus was build for strength. It could withstand the shock as Albertosaurus crashed, Open-mouthed, into its prey. Huge jaws carried the deadly sharp skull left room for bulging muscles.

Air traveled through the crest tubes, making loud, honking noises.

Noisy crests corythosaurus carried a plate of bone high on its head which formed a crest.Males and females probably had different-sized crests for recognizing each other.The crests also had tubes inside them with which Corythosaurus  was able to make sounds.

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